Support and FAQs
Got questions? Find answers below or reach out to us.
We are here to serve you better
We are here to serve you better
About Boost PayFlex
- What is Boost PayFlex?
- What are the eligibility requirements to become a Boost PayFlex user?
- I met the criteria mentioned for Boost PayFlex. Why does it still say I’m not eligible?
- Is this product licensed or approved by any regulatory authority?
- How does Boost PayFlex work?
- What is my PayFlex amount/ limit?
- My PayFlex limit is fully utilized. How can I increase my limit?
- Where can I use Boost PayFlex?
- Where can I use the money added to my Boost Wallet using Boost PayFlex?
- How do I use Boost PayFlex to add money to my Boost Wallet?
- What is the benefit of using Boost PayFlex to add money to my Boost Wallet?
- Why can’t I make DuitNow transfer, P2P transfer and/or investment transactions?
- How do I make repayment for Boost PayFlex?
- How do I check the bank account linked for repayment?
- Why is the amount due not auto-debited from my bank account after the due date?
- What are my payment obligations?
- What are the fees and charges for Boost PayFlex?
- What if I fail to fulfill my obligations?
- What if I want to settle the outstanding amount before its maturity?
- Do I need a guarantor or collateral?
- Who do I contact if I require additional assistance?
- Pay in 30 Days Plan List of Services (Table 1)