What are the payment options available in Boost app and how to view them?
There are 3 payment options available on Boost:
- Online Banking (choose from 17 of our online banking partners)
- Credit Cards (Visa & Mastercard)
- Debit Cards / Prepaid Cards (Visa & Mastercard)
There are 2 ways to view your Boost payment options:
A) Boost Homepage
1. Navigate to the "Wallet" icon on the top right of the Boost homepage
2. You will be taken to "My Wallet" page where you can view your existing payment option or add a new one.
3. To view all available options, you can click on the "Add Payment" icon on the top right of the page, which it will show the payment options available via Online Banking or Cards.
B) Boost Profile page
1. Go to "Profile" page and click on "Payment Settings"
3. To view all available options, you can click on the "Add Payment", which it will show the payment options available via Online Banking or Cards.